Writing for the web: the facts you need to know

The first rule of the writing for the web: don’t chuck your brochure copy on to your site. The second rule of writing for the web: don’t even think about putting your brochure copy on to your site.

Writing for the web is completely different to writing for any other type of marketing material. For a start, you’ve got about three seconds to make a good impression. So make one. Otherwise your visitor is clickety-click and gone.

Secondly, your potential customer is as impatient as hell and will scan your web page rather than read every word. So make sure the benefits are loud and clear and don’t waffle on about you and your company.

Take advantage of Turner Ink’s website content writing services

So what do you get with Turner Ink’s website content writings services? Words that really count.

Sure, good design is essential. But a design won’t convince, persuade, sell or inform. It’s the words that will do that.

You’ll get nice bite-size chunks of copy that are easy to digest. Short words. Short sentences. And short paragraphs. Each page will be benefit-led. And the copy will be in an appropriate style and tone for your customer.

And of course Turner Ink will work closely with your web developers or web designers regarding site maps, website structure, and navigation or design issues.

And here’s a tip. Get your web content sorted out first and then get a web designer onboard. Design already done? No worries. Call Turner Ink anyway.

What now? Here are a few ideas

Contact Turner Ink to talk about writing for the web.

Contact Turner Ink to talk about writing for the web.

Contact Turner Ink to talk about writing for the web.

Take a look at samples of website content writing in the portfolio.

Take a look at samples of website content writing in the portfolio.

Take a look at samples of website content writing in the portfolio.

Get a website review of your current website. Simply fill in the form.

Get a website review of your current website. Simply fill in the form.

Get a website review of your current website. Simply fill in the form.