Drive your marketing for free

We’re used to seeing phone numbers and website addresses plastered on the side of work vans and company cars. But Ma Goa restaurant in Putney, London, has gone one step further: they’ve added an actual restaurant review to the back of their delivery vehicle; and one from Time Out no less. What a brilliant idea.

Ma Goa delivery car

How many people have seen that review, I wonder, as the Ma Goa car has been delivering its Tandoori Bathaks with Pullao Rice all over south London? More than would have seen an expensive advertisement in a local newspaper, probably.

When it comes to marketing your company – do all the free stuff first. Open a Linkedin profile and encourage customers and clients to make recommendations. Set up a Twitter account and give your followers a discount. Write great press releases, which the local press will be happy to publish. Include a testimonial in your email signature. And don’t forget to include links to your website, Linkedin and Twitter pages as well.

In fact, of all the marketing techniques you can use, paying for an advertisement should be last thing on your list.

Oh and check out Ma Goa’s fantastic menu here.

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