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The other day I asked my nephew what the capital of France is. He replied ‘F’. Yep, most of us know that capital letters are used for proper nouns and at the beginning of a sentence. But take a quick look at the intertubes and you’ll discover that the misuse of capital letters is now reaching epidemic proportions. So here’s a handy...

This month's interview is with Alison Blake, marketing expert, and head of Add Agency, a creative marketing agency based in south west London. Turner Ink: A few weeks ago I wrote a post about why companies shouldn't cut their marketing budgets during economic downturns. Are you finding that's the case Alison? Are companies increasing their spend? Or are they cutting back? Add...

So this company calls me up on Friday afternoon and says: Dubious company: Hi, we're working with Google and we just wanted to let you know about a phrase that has recently become available which was last seen 11 months ago. It's ‘marketing agency Surrey'. It's a great opportunity. (There are so many lies in this opening sentence it's hard to know...